Starfish Montehabana Hotel
The Memories Montehabana (Once Occidental Montehabana) Hotel is recommended for long stays or for travelers who appreciate home-like facilities, the hotel offers spacious locals with fully equipped kitchens. It is also benefited with an on-site minimarket, Wi-Fi network in most of its areas and access to the swimming pool at the neighboring Memories Miramar Habana.
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Amount to pay
(No extra charge)
Facilities and services
Facilities and services
The Starfish Montehabana Hotel is located in Miramar´s residential town, on the business and diplomats´ area at western Havana, a few steps away from the sea. It is nearby Jesús de Miramar Church and 5ta y 42 Commercial Center.
Reference points
Places of interest
Calle 70 y 5ta B, Miramar
Accommodation plans:
Chain: Blue Diamond
Total rooms: 164
Check-in / Check-out: 14:30 / 12:00