Starfish Cuatro Palmas Hotel
Only for people over 16 years old
The Starfish Cuatro Palmas (Once Mercure Cuatro Palmas) Hotel offers adequate and elegant facilities, nearby Varadero´s cultural center. A decoration of high columns with arches and colorful stained-glass windows complement a very cozy environment. The hotel is considered the best All Inclusive option in the peninsula´s most populated area, before arriving to the only-hotels strip at the end of Varadero. It eases the access to commercial, cultural and sports centers.
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Amount to pay
(No extra charge)
Facilities and services
Facilities and services
Facilities and services
The Starfish Cuatro Palmas Hotel is located in Varadero´s most populated area, in the Hicacos Peninsula, northern Matanzas province. Situated beachfront, it is also near to the commercial and entertaining center Todo en Uno (All in One).
Reference points
Places of interest
Ave. 1era entre 60 y 64, Varadero
Accommodation plans:
Chain: Blue Diamond
Total rooms: 160
Check-in / Check-out: 16:00 / 12:00
Included in the accommodation plan
Other facilities and services