Meliá Las Dunas Hotel
A good option for family vacations
The Meliá Las Dunas Hotel is arranged in two areas: one for adults or couples, and another for families with children, where most of the recreational activities take place. According to the client’s entertaining interests, they may choose one or another area, depending availability upon arrival. The rooms, gazebo and children´s areas are carefully arranged for both customer groups. The hotel also offers the delightful and luxurious Aguas Claras Spa with numerous healthcare services. The spacious lobby highlights with colors, water mirrors, palapas, and a singular boulevard with an inner square at the center of the hotel.
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Amount to pay
(No extra charge)
Facilities and services
Facilities and services
The Meliá Las Dunas Hotel is located in one of the most beautiful Cuban beaches, northern Cayo Santa María, linked to northern Villa Clara province by an extensive 48 km causeway. It is 11 km away from Cayo Las Brujas Airport (Domestic Flights).
Reference points
Places of interest
Cayo Santa María, Archipiélago Jardines del Rey
Accommodation plans:
Chain: Meliá Hotels
Total rooms: 925
Check-in / Check-out: 16:00 / 12:00
Included in the accommodation plan
Other facilities and services
from USD 82
from USD 82
from USD 87