Las Tunas Hotel
Las Tunas Hotel is a large building situated in the periphery of the city, surrounded by gardens that create a very nice atmosphere. With a big swimming pool and adequate gastronomic services giving prestige to the Cuban food, the facility is the seat of the most important events in the area and offers to its visitors a comfortable and friendly ambiance. The hotel benefits itself from its location in a small elevation, becoming a sort of lookout point over the city.
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Amount to pay
(No extra charge)
Facilities and services
Las Tunas Hotel is located in the periphery of Las Tunas city, Eastern Cuba. It is placed over the Peralejo hill, 60 km away from the coastal town Puerto Padre.
Reference points
Places of interest
Ave. 2 de Diciembre e/ Carlos J. Finlay y Ave. 30 de Noviembre
Accommodation plans:
Chain: Islazul
Total rooms: 142
Check-in / Check-out: 16:00 / 12:00
from USD 67