Encanto Velasco Hotel
The Encanto Velasco Hotel, built in 1902, is an architectural gem on the historical heart of Matanzas city. Recently restored, it is a beautiful complex where marble, granite and precious woods accentuate the luxury environment. Among its facilities are a bar, cafeteria, and a restaurant. The hotel is specially recommended for visitors exploring Matanzas´ charms.
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Amount to pay
(No extra charge)
Facilities and services
The Encanto Velasco Hotel faces Parque de La Libertad, on the historic center of Matanzas city, at the area framed by San Juan and Yumurí rivers, nearby the Bay and the Sauto Theater.
Reference points
Places of interest
Calle Contreras e/ Santa Teresa y Ayuntamiento
Accommodation plans:
Chain: Cubanacán
Total rooms: 17
Check-in / Check-out: 16:00 / 12:00
from USD 70