Club Amigo Costa Sur Hotel
The Club Amigo Costa Sur Hotel combines the attractions of a Sun & Beach destination with its proximity to the beautiful city-museum of Trinidad, declared by Unesco as World Heritage Site. The Caribbean seabed offers numerous options for diving enthusiasts and other nautical activities, such as the excursions to spectacular neighboring Cayo Blanco. Recommended for groups and families, it is an appealing destination in Cuba´s southern coast.
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Amount to pay
(No extra charge)
Facilities and services
Facilities and services
Facilities and services
The Club Amigo Costa Sur Hotel sits in Playa María Aguilar, Ancon Peninsula, Trinidad, South of the central Sancti Spíritus province. Situated westward the Ensenada de Casilda, it is also nearby numerous diving spots.
Reference points
Places of interest
Playa María Aguilar, Península Ancón
Accommodation plans:
Chain: Cubanacán
Total rooms: 279
Check-in / Check-out: 16:00 / 12:00
Included in the accommodation plan
Other facilities and services
from USD 87
from USD 103
from USD 112